Live on VCLT Land

Anyone interested in living on VCLT land may  fill out a potential lessee application.  You might want to take a look at our current lease . This will allow you to see the details of how owning a home on VCLT land is different from conventional home ownership.
We will use the information in your application to help make decisions about leasehold settlement.  All those who have submitted Lessee Application Forms and whose membership fees are paid up will be notified if a new leasehold becomes available. Potential lessees may look for suitable parcels of land and  bring them to the attention of the VCLT board of directors.  Anyone who finds a parcel of land that becomes part of VCLT has the first option for a leasehold on it.

Currently all home sites on all VCLT land are spoken for. 

Frequently Asked Questions for Potential Lease holders

Q. Who owns the land? How does VCLT acquire  land?

A. The Land Trust is sole owner of VCLT land. Land is acquired through purchase or donation.

Q. How do people gain access to the land?
A. By becoming “lessees.” Lessees are stewards rather than owners of the land.  They sign a 99 year lease with VCLT. They enjoy many of the rights of private ownership, and share some rights of normal land ownership with a broader community. For details, see the VCLT lease.

Q. As a lessee can we own our own home or buildings?
A. Yes, VCLT only owns the land, not buildings on it.

Q. What happens if we decide to move?
A. A lessee can sell his/her house (not the land) to someone who wants to live on trust land. Sales price is limited to the assessed market value of the home only, with land excluded, at time of sale.

Q. Can I leave the leasehold to my children or other heirs?
A. Yes, your lease is inheritable by owners children, spouse, or long term household members.

Q. Will the trust dictate how I use my leasehold?
A.  The land trust must approve  the lessee’s  land management plan, and any  major changes to the leasehold.

Q. Must I live communally on the land?
A. No, lessees own their own homes, and have exclusive control of their  individual leaseholds, subject to the terms of the lease. Some of our land has common woodlot or agricultural land which neighboring lessees lease in common.

Q. Who makes decisions for the trust?
A. Various types of decisions are made by the Board, the committees, and the membership, which has the final power when there is a disagreement.

Q. Where is the land VCLT presently holds in trust?
A. VCLT owns land in Colrain, Ashfield, Greenfield and Wendell.

Q. Who pays town  taxes on the land and house?
A. The lessee pays all taxes on both house and land.